Link Pharmacy to Individual

Alley Data allows you to link a pharmacy to an Individual. This ensures the correct pharmacy information is available in the Individual’s profile. It’s simple to link a pharmacy to an Individual’s profile.

Note: To link a pharmacy to an Individual, the pharmacy must first be added to the pharmacy library. For information on how to add a pharmacy to the pharmacy library, read the Managing Pharmacy Library article.

First, log in to the web app and locate the “Individuals Profiles” link in the main menu. Click on it enter the Individual profile. Locate and click the “eMAR” link in the Individual menu. On the resulting page, locate and click on the “Individual Pharmacy Info” tab. Then click the “Load From Pharmacy Info Library” button. A pop-up window will appear where you can select one or more pharmacies to the Individual. Finally, click “Add” and you’re done.